Saturday, June 20, 2009

Girls K end of Year ceremony

The girls did a great job remebering their parts in the end of year ceremony. It's amazing what they memorize for their first year of school. 1 peom a week plus all of the other songs and things they learn.


Pam's Place said...

Sheila, I'm sure you've heard this many times, but I have to say it again: treasure every second of this time. They grow up so fast. It seems like such a short time ago my own daughter was this age, but she has two older than the triplets and a "baby" who is already four. Such fun times these are, and such delights these little ones are. Your children are all so sweet and lovable.

Astromom said...

The girls smiles are so cute, and I love their matching dresses, it is a milestone to complete that first year of elementary.